Tuesday, January 29, 1924

Beautiful--bright--mild. Thawing & wet under foot. Arose 7 A.M. Studied. Dinner. Worked 12 M-2 P.M. M.L. met me. A bunch of S.T. & R.E. men and women to home of Miss Alice Reynolds in Newton Highlands. Out for hike to Echo bridge etc. Back home. Wonderful supper. Played games & sang songs. Back to Boston 10 P.M. To bed 10:30 P.M. Thankful for opportunities of Xn fellowship.

Alice Reynolds is probably Alice Gertrude Reynolds, a woman who in 1920 was working as a nurse-companion for a private family. She was born in 1890 so she was about 34 at the time of this get-together. She must have been one of Mary Leah's classmates, as by 1930 she was working as a director of religious education. She died at the age of 90 in 1980 in Newton, Massachusetts, where she had lived most of her life. She never married. Below is a picture of her as an adult of unknown age (on the left), and one of her when she was likely a teenager with her siblings. Both photos came from someone's online family tree.
Alice G Reynolds
Alice with Siblings

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